
Blade of the iron throne
Blade of the iron throne

blade of the iron throne

The full scope of their collective activities was known only by the Iron Throne's leader and their inner circle.

blade of the iron throne

In addition to their other subordinates, these individuals were each served by three lesser officers, who were more involved with day-to-day operations. Their agents included other spellcasters or those individuals with a strong network of informants. They facilitated communication between members and gathered information by means of divination.

  • The Eye: A single spellcaster acted as a magical coordinator for the inner circle.
  • All manner of sell-swords and criminals were hired to fight under their direction.

    blade of the iron throne

  • The Foot: This officer was responsible for protecting the organization's caravans and interfering with those belonging to other trading groups.
  • Smooth-talking negotiators and those with a mind for business were often recruited to serve the Arm.
  • The Arm: This individual arranged mercantile contracts, organizes the routes they used for trade, and handled their smuggling rings.
  • These officers were each responsible for a different aspect of the Iron Throne's operations and mostly acted independently from one another. The leadership of the Iron Throne comprised the head of the organization and an inner circle of three advisors.

    Blade of the iron throne